
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A most remarkable woman

And when I die and when I'm gone, there'll be one child born in a world to carry on, to carry on 
– Laura Nyro

Sally J. Suddock (1946 - 2014)

Sally J. Suddock, 68, died Saturday, Aug. 2, 2014, at her home in Anchorage after a long illness surrounded by her family.

She was born March 27, 1946, in Chicago. After graduating from the University of Illinois she worked as a reporter at the Chicago Tribune in the late 1960s and early '70s. At the Tribune she was a member of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering flagrant violations of voting procedures in the March 21, 1972, primary election. In 1973 she moved to Alaska where she had lived ever since.

Sally worked as a reporter at the Anchorage Daily News from 1973 until 1980 and in 1977 with her colleague Rosemary Shinohara won the prestigious Gerald Loeb Award for distinguished business and financial journalism for a series of articles the two wrote about construction problems with the trans-Alaska oil pipeline.

After 1980 she worked at the Alaska Journal of Commerce, hosted the Alaska Business segment on KENI News Radio and served as executive director of the Alaska High Tech Business Council. She also was publisher and managing editor of the Alaska Bar Association's newsletter "The Alaska Bar Rag" until her death.

After 2000 she began developing as a bead, metal and fiber artist, serving at one time as president of the Alaska Bead Society. She and her daughter Ariel sold their works at various shows and markets around Southcentral Alaska.

Sally and her husband Warren were married July 27, 1979.

She is survived by her husband Warren, daughter Ariel and husband David Phifer all of Anchorage; brother-in-law George and wife Linda and family of Anchorage and Seattle; brother-in-law John Suddock of Anchorage and family; a brother Robert Wagner and wife Anita of Syracuse, NY; sister-in-law Anka Wagner and Eric Neal of Philadelphia, PA; a nephew, James Wagner and wife Marika of Brooklyn, NY; the Dickows of Illinois and Wisconsin; David and Vivian Watts of Washington, D.C.; Ariel's father Tim Jones of Palmer; and dear friends throughout the world. 

At Sally's request no service has been planned. She asked that in lieu of other memorials, donations be made to the Bird Treatment and Learning Center in Anchorage (Bird TLC).

Her first grandchild is expected in October.

I used to think getting old was about vanity—but actually it’s about losing people you love. Getting wrinkles is trivial. – Eugene O’Neill

We won't be seeing her this Christmas

There is a guest book here at

An afterthought: 12/4/20: For the past five years I have tried to fill Sally's shoes as editor of the Alaska BarAssociation's Bar Rag. The association's Executive Director whom Sally worked with for years is retiring. What follows is a note I wrote to her about our time together with the Bar Rag;
As we lined up people to write about you for that special edition, I kept wondering if I should add something. I never could come up with the right time or place. Then in an email or two ago you mentioned the connection with Sally and it has crossed my mind often since then. By the time I came to the Bar Rag, Sally and I had been divorced for several years and she had remarried. Over those years we had remained in touch and cordial with each other. It was difficult sitting in that hospital room with her. At one point her brother chased everyone else out of the room, on  purpose, leaving me time alone to talk with her for a while. I sat there listening to her holding her hand, not knowing what to say. She was concerned with what effect she had had on the world and I pointed out to her her two Pulitzer Prize efforts and even more so the stories that she did on the faulty welds in the pipeline. I told her from my own work with the safety of oil transportation she had more than likely prevented a failure in the pipeline. I also reminded her we had a pretty wonderful daughter. One other thing that concerned her was the future of the Bar Rag. She was worried about it. To quiet her and perhaps ease her mind I promised I would do what I could to make sure it went on, not being absolutely sure how I would do that. It was that promise that brought me into your office. But honestly, it went on. Every time I sit down to work on it,  I feel Sally is there somehow, in the background, just a sense of her existence. And that has kept me connected with her all these years. One thing the world doesn’t prepare us for as we grow older is the death of people around us. I once spoke about this at a friend’s funeral, and pointed out that those who leave us, have ways of showing up, coming to mind at the oddest times. And in one way or another those thoughts are comforting, knowing we spent time on this rock with those people. Working on the Bar Rag has helped me keep that connection with Sally. And for that, I thank you very much.

Comments from facebook

            ‪Kitty Delorey Fleischman So sorry to hear it, Tim. A mother is a huge loss.
August 2 at 8:14pm · · 1

            ‪Sue Whittom I'm so sorry to hear this. Sad for all of Sally' s extended family. Tell Ariel I'm so sorry.
August 2 at 8:16pm · · 1

            ‪Rebecca Brashear I'm so sorry, Tim. Feelings and Emotions.
August 2 at 9:12pm ·  · 1

            ‪Gail Somerville This is such sad news, and I am vey sorry to hear it. Please extend my deepest sympathy to Ariel. Sally was a very special person and the world feels a little emptier tonight. Hugs and condolences also to you, Tim.
August 2 at 11:30pm ·  1

             ‪Jeanne Passin Sorry to hear that.condolences to you and Ariel.
August 3 at 2:40am · 1

            ‪Mary Doyle So sorry for you and Ariel. You both are in my thoughts
August 3 at 2:58am ·  · 1

            ‪Sue Whittom Last month, I lost three long-time friends in Alaska. It breaks my heart and the world is indeed not the same without them. I feel your sadness and it is so very hard to lose a mother - Ariel and her baby will miss Sally' s experience as a mother.
August 3 at 6:52am ·  1

            ‪Pamela Randles I am sorry to hear Sally has passed. I haven't seen her for years, but cherish her memory. Condolences to you and Ariel.
August 3 at 8:13am · · 1

            ‪Aaron Koscielniak I wish you guys the best. My prayers are with you all.
August 3 at 9:34am· 1

            ‪Margaret Kandel Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
August 3 at 5:28pm  · 1

            ‪Tom Walker Sad to hear, Tim.
August 4 at 7:00pm · 1

            ‪Del Allison Tim; thanks for sharing, may the journey be perpetual...
August 6 at 12:57pm · Like

            ‪Rebecca Brashear Beautifully written, Tim.
August 6 at 1:10pm · Like · 1

            ‪Rosemary Bassett She sounds like a very Special lady...Condolences to all the family..
August 6 at 1:59pm · Like

            ‪Sue Whittom Truly, so beautifully written.......a remarkable woman.
August 6 at 2:04pm · Like

            ‪Mary Doyle Beautiful Thanks for sharing
August 6 at 2:42pm · Like

            ‪Karen Lachance Tim, I'm sorry to hear this. My condolences to both you and Ariel. It makes me sad that you have had to write two obituaries this year for two people so important in your life.
August 6 at 4:24pm ·  1

            ‪Gail Somerville Beautifully written, Tim.
August 6 at 4:52pm · Like

            ‪Cb Elkington Lovely, quite the person.
August 6 at 5:14pm · Like

            ‪Carrie Ann Nash Sorry to you and to Ariel for your loss! Thank you for writing such a beautiful obituary so we could know more about a remarkable woman.
August 6 at 7:05pm · Like

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