
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


First potatoes.  All these came from that row of disturbed dirt. Have about twice this many still to go.
It snowed in Prudhoe Bay this week and also just north of Fairbanks. Overnight frosts gradually creep farther south, most recently not too far from the East Pole. Still no termination dust even on the highest peaks but still it's time to give the garden a good look with an eye toward saving what can be harmed. So, today the harvest begins. Lots of potatoes and lettuce.  Peas and beans kind of a failure and a grand total of two tomatoes.  I started those tomatoes too late and now while I have several strong plants, they are only just blossoming. All those last things a product of mistakes I made last spring and now know how to correct that next year,
The entire tomato crop.

The same bunch of potatoes.
Two lillies on another plant.
A single lillie on one plant.

Pansies in the pot.

Petunias in a pot.

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