
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

There's a trampoline in the cow pasture

No, really, there is. For what purpose is anyone's guess except maybe the farmer's. But there is one potential logical explanation. Hellacious winds blew through that area last week, some in excess of 70 mph, enough to lift a trampoline and carry it some distance. You have to wonder what the cows think. Then, of course, there is something else terribly wrong in that picture. I mean this was taken Feb. 17 in Alaska and it sure looks awfully brown for this time of year.

Another weather event occurred today as well: the first kiss of Spring.  Not exactly welcome this year, it is the first time in the year when you can feel the warmth when the sunlight hits exposed skin. I felt it today but I still have some winter stuff to do and I am not ready for this.

Thinking there should somehow be a story involved here. The title sure sounds like something Shel Silverstein would write. He's the guy who wrote Where the Sidewalk Ends and others.

It's always something.

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