
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Whoa oh oh on the radio

Photo by Phillip Manning KTNA
Here we are at the library signing. That's Raine Hall on the left
and Joe May on the right, yours truly in the middle.

Today Iditarod champion Joe May, Raine Hall, a prime mover behind our new book, and I traveled to Talkeetna for a radio show. We spent an hour on the air discussing the book and telling tales of the trail. After that we ventured over to the Talkeetna library for a book signing and sold out all the books Raine brought with her.  It was quite an event and we all had a pretty good time of it.

And get this: At one point someone sort of whispered to me "you aren't even the most famous person in this room." I don't know who said it but when I looked up immediately recognized Dave Johnson. For those don't know the name, he is an Alaska legend, a member of the first party to climb Mount McKinley in winter. The climb is memorialized in the book "Minus 148o" by Art Davidson. But Dave said even he wasn't the most famous man in the room and pointed to another fellow named Billie who was wearing a red vest with "Everest" crocheted onto it. I didn't know the guy but others pointed him out as a world famous climbing guide on Mount Everest. Add that to sitting next to Iditarod Champion Joe May and I was breathing rare air.

It all happened after I did one of those mindless things I am becoming famous for: The day before I went and got a haircut so I would look good on the radio.

It's an hour long, but if anyone cares to listen, it is now on the KTNA website. Here is the link:

Su Valley Voice
"Minus 148o"
"Iditarod The First Ten Years"

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