
Saturday, April 25, 2015

I feel the need for seed

Finished before some leveling.

For the second day in a row the temperature went over 60 and for once I spent most of the day outdoors. All of what I had hoped to accomplish today I accomplished.

First were the boxes for the raised garden segments. They look a little deep. I never really looked up dimensions, just 4x4 and two boards deep. The store had utility 1x12s on sale and that's what I bought. Now two feet looks awfully deep? But what does one do when a mistake might have been made? Adjust? Rationalize? Two thoughts here. First is fill them to the top and the bending over won't be nearly as severe when working in them. Second is fill them halfway thus providing some protection for the plants from the wind that blows through here fairly often. Maybe one of each and see what works for next year. Whichever one I try, that work was done for the day.

I did notice the boxes got direct sunlight from about 9 in the morning until almost 6 in the evening and we are still almost two months from the Solstice.

Some flats ready for seed, more to go.
With that accomplished and some energy left, out came the growing flats and all the starter pots and now they are all filled too and ready for planting. Feels now like it has been a pretty good day.
One thing I noticed once things settled down, I am tired and sore, but it's that good kind of sore that tells you you put in a good day's work. Then I realized I had worked physically for more than eight hours today and I was not out of breath nor had I had to stop for a breather at any time during the day. That in itself is an accomplishment.

So, tomorrow there are several basketball games, so maybe I will take a rest day and watch while I do some reading and make a list of what I want to grow before a trip to the Feed & Seed Monday. Early next week would be just about right to be a week ahead of previous years, not a bad idea given the easy winter and spring, hence the need for seed. And given the new legalities in Alaska I may try to find some more exotic seeds as well. Right on!

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