
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring weather in Alaska continues to confuse

I shouldn't be surprised. This photo was made May 17, 2013.
Tomato plants in the window and snow on the ground outside.

The wind has been blowing here for the past two weeks, sometimes hard, sometimes gently, but always  blowing,  Yesterday I happened to look out the window in time to see a whirlwind flinging leaves in a circular pattern upward from the ground into the air. Having lived in Kansas, any hint of a tornado gives me the willies. Meanwhile a few birds still hit the feeder right outside the window but they seem to wait for lulls in the wind, then flock to it. And as the song says, that was yesterday and yesterday's gone. Tonight the wind finally died down. I can't even hear garden tools hanging on a rack outside banging against the wall. Today, meaning Monday, will be a whole new day and guess what's in the forecast? Snow.  Snow from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. with accumulations up to a foot. Wet, slushy, heavy, spring snow. So glad I started getting all the materials ready to start planting seed indoors. On another note, no more recipes from Facebook. Garlic and brown sugar glazed chicken is not nearly as good as it sounds.

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