
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Taped? Filmed? Really?

Here's a little word exercise and anyone who has an idea, comments are welcomed.

How many times a day do we read or hear that something is "on tape" or "taped" or "film" or "filmed?" How many of those are actually taped on tape or filmed on film. Probably none of them. So that begs the question about accuracy and literal definition.

Almost all of what we see these days is digitally recorded with the exception, I understand, for commercial movies.

To my mind the language has to change, or at least the syntax. I've thought of some possibilities but it seems to me an all-encompassing word is still out there somewhere. "Video" serves as a noun but appears clumsy as a verb. "Recording" as noun or verb works, but it leads the mind to music rather than video.

So that's where it stands. Many writers can't seem to get past "taped" and "filmed" and maybe they can be considered to have spread their meaning to digital recording, but they seem archaic in 2015. And while we're on the subject, what does "footage" mean any more?


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