
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Stop Medicaid enrollment? No and No

Today Medicaid went into effect for the 40,000 or so Alaskans who qualify and who now can find affordable health insurance.

Alaska legislators through the Legislative Council, all majority Republicans, went to state Superior Court and then the Supreme Court seeing an injunction to stop enrollment until the main case against expanding Medicaid could be argued. No and no. Strikes one and two. Denied. And Medicaid moves forward.

There's no word yet on how much of the $450,000 the legislators allocated for the suit has been spent so far; nor has any amount been given for the cost of the administration's defense efforts, or the court costs of judges and clerks and every other nickel and dime it takes to keep the court system running.

And no word from the American Legislative Exchange Council or the Koch Bros. has been heard so far, unless you consider the Alaska legislators who are nothing but mouthpieces for them. Nor is there any offer from them to compensate the state for acting on their behalf. Now that would be a lawsuit worth watching.

And, oh yes, Alaska government is still looking at a budget deficit of more than $3 billion.

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