
Friday, October 9, 2015

It shouldn't be this easy

The Republicans spent months and millions of dollars trying to discredit Hillary Clinton and in the end ruined it with one slip of the tongue. Not only did this Kevin McCarthy slip up and admit that was the whole reason for the Benghazi investigation, two days later it turns up he is probably having an affair with another representative. And this is the guy the GOP was trying to put up as speaker of the house, third in line to the presidency.

And for all they did to hurt Clinton's campaign, they only ended up with a noose around their own necks and all the Democrats had to do was sit and watch, and, oh yes, laugh.

Time after time the Republicans have tried to come up with campaign issues, some promoting their own agendas, some trying to embarrass their opponents, but with no foundation and then all somebody has to do is shout out a buzz word and that particular  Republican disintegrates.

For example, shout "separation of church and state" against Mike Huckabee and you get a rant about how this is supposed to be a Christian nation, not, mind you, some reasoned argument, a few slogans and a call to change the Constitution.

Shout out "gay rights" and Ted Cruz wants to get rid of lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices to stop "activist judges." Sure and then we get politically motived judges which was the reason the Constitution's authors wrote lifetime appointments in there in the first place.

Shout out "disaster relief" at Lindsey Graham and he forgets he voted against relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy a few years ago but begs for aid for his own state which has been inundated by historic flooding. Same with Cruz and Texas.

Shout out "gun control" to any of them and they will cite you the straight NRA line but Jeb Bush did it best. Remember the old t-shirts that read "shit happens?" What do you think "stuff happens" is a euphemism for? Or how about this Carson guy who says if the kids had been carrying guns and challenged that Oregon shooter it would have turned out better. But he topped it since then saying the Holocaust might not have happened if Jews had been carrying guns. And that guy's in second place.

Trump? All you have to do is challenge something he says and he begins frothing at the mouth. This guy is dumb enough to pick fights with news media if he doesn't like what they say. Think about this: If President Obama blew his stack every time a news outlet or a critic or a racist ranter sounded off, how much would he have accomplished?

So it's this easy: Pick a buzz word and repeat it again and again, then sit back maybe with popcorn, and watch them trip over each other on the downhill slide as they take off on senseless arguments and outrageous statements instead of actually addressing substantial issues.


But, let Hillary Clinton change her mind on something important like the Trans Pacific trade agreement and all you get from the media and the GOP is criticism and questions about changing her mind (of course, she's a woman), and nothing about the real issue which is the agreement itself. Please.

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