
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Look at this picture and then ask yourself WWJD

This is how angry the sniveling cowards who want to refuse refugees sanctuary,  just in case one or two terrorists sneak in among the thousands of people fleeing the violence in their homelands,  have made me – angry enough to use this image.

Persecuted, tortured and murdered, those who survive make their way all the way to Europe and across it seeking only a secure place where their children are safe.

And in America people who yesterday wanted to infuse more Christianity into government, today politicize the mass of victims of the violence and want to prevent them from entering our country.  Thirty-five Christian governors chose to exclude refugees from their states, though it's questionable whether they have the authority to do that under federal law.

All that is what is making me so angry I would post this picture, take advantage of a tragedy to make a point. But the image in the picture IS the point.

It is a boy, 3 years old, who in an attempt to flee with his family ended up dead on a Mediterranean  beach. He is the symbol of the outrageous situation in his homeland and now I would like to sear this image into the minds of every single bible-thumping, gun-wielding American patriot who would turn this child away if he came knocking at the door, sear it into the minds of those people who will defend a fetus more than they will defend a living child. The people who want to ignore them should keep in mind the other searing images of the strife in Syria, the videos of beheadings, the lines of criminals shooting into mass graves, the real terror people are trying to escape.

This is what happens when the refugees from those atrocities are turned away, these 3-year-old potential terrorists, and this is what is fast becoming America's national embarrassment.

Live with this image for this is your guilt and your legacy, all you great American Christians. Condemn hundreds of thousands of people to this kind of result because truthfully you have reacted exactly as the ISIS criminals want you to, acting in fear, yes, acting in terror, the very product for which terrorism is named. You have reacted in terror and turned on your fellow man, who now needs your help. And you don't seem to understand that these people are fleeing their own homeland in terror, terror created by the same people you see as the enemy. That's right these people are afraid of and trying to escape the same people who are causing American politicians and wing nuts to act in terror at their actions.

How is it you recognize the danger but don't acknowledge that you have fallen victim to the same terror as the people you are trying to drive away.

And get this: France where the most recent attack took place, an attack that has generated this most recent round of fear, has promised to take in 30,000 of the very same refugees all these people in America want to stop at our borders.

Shame on all of you.

And, praise to those few governors who recognize the obligation and who are accepting the refugees openly.

Minnesota governor disses others who want to block refugees

Another day another group of refugees turned away

Anne Frank was refused refuge in the United States

An update September 2018. The boy's aunt has written a book chronicling what happened in the aftermath of the  tragedy.
The Boy on the Beach.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry I didn't see this when you wrote it. Passionate and beautiful outrage. Thank you, Tim.
