
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Best recollection of 2015 of the day so far

Every so often a headline shows up that just has to be reported, or a broadcaster says something so inane it just has to be pointed out. I have been posting them on facebook now and then under a heading like "Best such and such of the day so far." I got the idea a collection of them might be fun and satisfy an old journalist's compulsion to do some kind of year-end roundup, so here are the ones I found from the past year.

Meercat Expert Attacked Monkey Handler Over Love Affair With Llama Keeper

Worst analogy of the day so far: "Snow comes out of the sky like bleached flies."

Best sports quote of the day so far: World Series, "When it gets down to it at the end of this series it will be whose strength is stronger.

Best headline of the day so far: Duck Wearing Bow-Tie Walks Into Pub, Drinks Pint, Fights Dog, Loses

Best football analyst comment today so far: Michigan has won three shutouts in a row. Looking to the future an analyst says, “If they can eliminate turnovers they can win some games."

Best sports announcer comment of the day so far: "First you have to get two strikes on the hitter before you get the strikeout." Play-by-play guy: "Thats true."

Some are just plain interesting. I called this one Best crankshaft of the day so far: The Finnish Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C is the world's largest engine and powers the largest marine vessels in the world. It's a 25,480 liter, 14-cylinder engine that produces nearly 110,000 horsepower and 5.6 million lbs-ft of torque. Note the three men standing next to it. You have a crankshaft in your car's engine.

I hope these are enjoyed; you have no idea how tedious job it has been on iPhone and iPad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laughs. I think the baseball ones were my favorites.
