
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Missing Alaska senator tells us what's what

Alaska's missing senator emerged from his basement office a day ago, to tell us what's good for us according to the Republican party line. The occasion was President Obama's nomination of a judge to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Republican Senate leadership immediately said no vote would be allowed on confirmation and the missing senator fell right in step, parroting the leadership and adding the words "Alaska" and "Alaskans" a couple of times. In essence with a tone of condescension he told Alaskans what we should think We're not very good at that.

Here is his post from facebook: "President Obama today nominated Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court. Under our Constitution, the President has the authority to nominate and the U.S. Senate has the authority to advise and consent. The decision to withhold advancement of Mr. Garland’s nomination isn’t about the individual, it’s about the principle. Alaskans, like all Americans, are in the midst of an important national election. The next Supreme Court justice could fundamentally change the direction of the Court for years to come. Alaskans deserve to have a voice in that direction through their vote, and we will ensure that they have one."

In it he says the obstruction is about the principle, the principle according to him being we wait for a new president that the people elect before we appoint a judge to the Court. Apparently that means we wait for a president he likes. Here's the deal, senator; the people of the United States elected Barack Obama overwhelmingly, he is president, and we want him to select justices to the Supreme Court, not the next guy, and especially not the next guy if he turns out be be an obstructionist like the senator himself.

History is on the president's side. Several justices have been aappointed and confirmed during election years and this one should be no different. In fact fully one-third of U.S. presidents have appointed justices during election years, including GOP sainted Ronald Reagon who appointed Anthony Kennedy to the Court in 1987. The idea that you are refusing to do your job in hopes the president we elected won't do his is typical of  the way you and your cohorts twist reality to force policies nobody wants onto Americans (and, yes, Alaskans), Americans who are quite happy with the president, given recent polls show the highest popularity rating during his entire presidency.

It's so obvious your objection has nothing to do with what's good for Americans or Alaskans; it's likely a vain attempt to stall in hopes one or your kind is elected president and can appoint a justice who would follow on the bench seat where Justice Scalia fought a 30-year battle against social progress before his death last month.

Well how is this for a scenario? First of all enough incumbent GOP seantors are dumped by voters who see this is the last straw in obstructionism, to ensure a Democrat majority in the Senate. Then Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is elected president. And then the new president nominates outgoing President Barack Obama, a constitutional scholar, to the Supreme Court. Given his age and health, he should be able to sit on the court for the 30 years the missing senator sees as this appointee's tenure. We could live with that and the senator can shut up and go back to his basement office.

President selects Merrick Garland for Supreme Court (Isn't that a great name for a justice?)


  1. Could not agree more, Tim! Don't these dolts acknowledge that Scalia's death was an "act of God?" Seems to me like they should belly up to the bar and do the right thing, doing their jobs instead of advancing the obstructionist garbage. Act like grownups. We've had enough of it. Get on with it. As you said, the sainted Ronald Reagan got his appointment through, and that was a Democratic senate. This is beyond ridiculous.
