
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Alaska's missing senator sighted

Maybe next time he should choose a teaching aid that 
makes his own point instead of the president's.
Apparently Alaska's missing senator came out of his basement office last week  to do as he promised during his campaign, stand up to President Obama. Here's the headline:
Sullivan blames Obama for slow economic growth in Republican address

Are you kidding me? Still blaming Obama for everything despite his popularity and many calling him one of the best presidents ever. It's like a rerun from  his senate campaign four years ago. Next week he'll be blaming Roosevelt for Social Security. And maybe this goober won't accept it but it was his party that put the economy in the toilet in the first place with huge tax cuts for the rich and two unpaid-for wars. In fact, the president's successes and the missing senator's party's total failure has led to a total collapse of that party. I mean, look who's probably going to run on their ticket for the presidency – incidentally backed by the missing Alaska senator.

Obviously the Senate mail delivery system is leaving him off the route  and no periodicals or newspapers are making it to the basement.

This is so 2012, and so irrelevant. It's like he has no clue what the issues are today. By any measurable means the economy has improved tremendously since Obama took office in 2008. Nobody is even listening to this smackdaddy talk about a dead subject. If there is a problem with the economy it is totally the fault of his obstructionist party faithful with whom he fell into lockstep once he stole the office from Alaskans in 2012. As i said in an earlier post this week, I probably helped create more jobs than any Republican in this Congress.

And what does it matter anyway considering the president only has about half a year left in office. Are economic matters going to hurt or help him in the next election. It's like shooting a guy in the back when he's already headed for the door. Classy move.

And speaking of economies, Alaskans discovered this year that the state is paying out more in subsidies to the oil industry than it has been taking in from royalty payments. That's a deal generated when the missing senator was part of the state's administration. But, that's probably Obama's fault too.

Just go back in your hole Junior. We'll see you in 2020.

Alaska senator blames the president for everything
Leave a cart, save a job

1 comment:

  1. Living in Idaho, we hear the president being excoriated for everything from Hurricane Katrina to the bathroom bills, and all else that is ill with the world. And much of it comes from the dumbest dumbasses who have trod the sod. They still don't seem to get it, but most of us have learned to turn deaf ears.
