
Friday, May 6, 2016

Bob Dylan can now add taco bowls to that line in "I Shall Be Free."

This one was just too good to pass up. That meme came out this week showing Donald Trump pandering to an ethnic group he formerly called all kinds of racist names. All of a sudden he loves them, or at least their taco bowls. The Daily Kos rightfully called him out on this blatantly racist missive.

But as I looked at it something else came to mind, one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs, "I Shall Be Free."

Dylan seems to have predicted a Trump-like candidate, although many through the years have done such things. So, like much of what Bob Dylan has written, his words hold up over time. In effect he called out Trump on his racism 50 years ahead of time.

"Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote
He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note
He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple
Tellin' me he loves all kinds-a people
(He's eatin' bagels
He's eatin' pizza
He's eatin' chitlins)." "I Shall Be Free"  
and now we can add
"he's eatin' tacos
He's eatin' cheese steak …"
watch this space

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If the video won't play, here's another link
91% of what Trump says is proven either fully or partially wrong

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