
Thursday, June 16, 2016

A few things I learned in the past two days

If you have trouble locating the trail to your cabin when everything is leafed out in a normal year,
when it's an abnormal year and everything is twice as high as usual, get off the damned four-wheeler and walk around to find the trail instead of just blasting into the pucker brush. Stuck twice between the main trail and the cabin straddling tussucks and high centered on a log I should have cut out years ago. For the second one I was glad I had brought along a comealong (A thing learned on a previous trip.) (Also later I took the chainsaw downhill and turned that log into sawdust."

Even though this is Alaska, if it's going to be 80 degrees, you really should consider bringing along some sunblock.

If you are hooking up a heavy trailer on a down slope, DO NOT get between the trailer and the four-wheeler.

And, sepaking of 80 degrees, I didn't have one shirt out there that isn't wool or flannel.

Don't pick up a steel tool that's been laying (lieing?) in the sun for three hours.

Thirty-year-old Bic pens don't work.

Fair sized blocks of dry ice are great. Tiny ones six inches square and half an inch thick are not.

One thing I haven't learnned is how to handle photos in blogger on an iPad!

Addendum: Apparently I suffered hot sun in the past. A massive search did not turn up any sun block, but I did uncover a substantial supply of aloe burn ointment.

Five things I learned in the past two days

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