
Friday, June 10, 2016

Even more ramblings from Alaska

Graffiti artist Banksy invited students to add to a mural he left on a school building that was named for him.
I don't like to put these ramblings too close together on the blog but there have been so many recently and I've been distracted elsewhere so here you go.

Bridge Farm Primary school in Bristol, England, named a new building on campus after the mysterious graffiti artist Banksy who is believed to be from that town. After a week-long holiday students and teachers returned to school to discover the artist had been there and left a mural on the building.

George Zimmerman auctioned off his gun, the one he used to kill Trayvon Martin. He said he wanted the money to help defeat Hillary Clinton. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse than that, somebody paid him $250,000 for it.

Target ran an ad on TV with four beautiful women modeling summer fashions. One of the women was in a wheelchair. Respect.

After my regular physical exam my doctor told me I'm a perfect specimen. Her words, not mine.

Well, there's the problem, the paper is on the
roll wrong.
Mike Webb a conservative candidate for Congress in Virginia posted a screen shot of his browser online and it showed two open tabs for porn sites.

One benefit of baldness is I will never be tempted to tie my hair into one of those man buns.

In Texas you can use a gun permit as identification when you vote, but not a student ID.

The most commonly misspelled word in Alaska is "Hawaii," according to Google Trends.

The Bush/Cheney White House deleted 22 million emails and we hear nothing about it. Hillary deleted a grocery list she sent her maid and we'll never hear the end of it.

At least part of the US missile defense system still depends on floppy disks to operate system computers. Before the NASA space shuttles were retired, computer technicians working on them had to go junkyarding for parts because the gear on the flight craft was so old some of the manufacturers had gone out of business.

A 4-year-old fell into the gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati zoo and a big male came over and all observations seem to show it protecting him. So the zoo people shot the gorilla and told the boy's family they were praying for them without ever contacting the family in person. Lesson here? They did, however, contact the zoo's lawyer. Maybe gorillas have more compassion than zookeepers. But remember in Paul Simon's song they ARE very fond of rum, the zookeepers are.

Donald Trump told Californians there is no drought; all they have to do is turn on the water.

Why are these people smiling? The two people on the right are from 
AARPAlaska in Washington, D.C., to among other things lobby for increased 
Social Security. The guy in the red tie is Alaska's missing US Senator who 
can be expected to follow the Republican mantra and vote to cut Social 
Security  if it ever comes to a vote.
Target does it again. In an ad for swimwear, four models dancing around and one of them is decidedly heavier than the other three or almost every other model you have ever seen. Even more respect.

Anderson Varejão of the Golden State Warriors could receive a championship ring no matter who wins the NBA finals because he played for Cleveland earlier in the season.

Most photographed non-birth ever. A moose was reported to have given birth to a calf in the parking lot of an Anchorage big box hardware store. The story hit national headlines but several experts who did not see the moose said it was most likely born somewhere else and wandered into the parking lot.

Google says the question Alaskans ask most is "how to smoke salmon." Well with pot legal now, might as well try other commodities.

Introversion attack: when you have your first guests in months coming for lunch Monday and in panicked anxiety you begin preparations Friday morning.

Iran refused visas to three Republican Congressmen who thought they'd like to  take a trip over there.

Big box hardware purveyor Lowe's hired an employee who needed a service dog. No problem. They hired the dog, too. It was at one of their stores in Canada. More respect.

Alaska Airlines has flown two flights powered in part by biofuel made from corn.

The Anchorage Dispatch News has a dedicated reality TV reviewer. With all the TV versions of Alaska reality, someone to sort it all out seems necessary.. Incidentally the Browns were caught living in a hotel. If you don't know who the Browns are, you're better off and to tell the truth if I hadn't learned that in some context I never would have known either.

Within two hours after Trump ducked out of a debate with Bernie Sanders the hashtag #chickentrump had generated 104 thousand tweets.

As the snow receded this year, so far the bodies of four missing persons have been found in Southern Alaska, one nobody even knew was missing. 

Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the United States, had a record snowfall June 9.

And facebook now insists I might know someone named 近藤未来.

Then there was this fellow found along an Anchorage bike path whom officials thought had been stabbed, then decided it was a bear attack, but a day later settled on a moose tromping. Alaska provides all new challenges for the traditional CSI. Latest was someone suggesting it is a Kooshdakhaa, a mythical shapeshifter from Tsimshian and Tlingit folklore. 

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