
Monday, August 22, 2016

Drug testing, Indian uprising and dancing the stroll

Here's how a similar program went in Florida
 a couple of years ago. It has been the same in
every state whee it's been tried but they keep doing it.
Despite similar results in other states, the North Carolina Legislature overroode the governor's veto and voted to start testing welfare recipients for drugs. Result? 0.3, that's zero point three, per cent of those in the welfare pool used drugs. Even the legislators had to agree it was a waste of money. Seven states have active programs and they all show similar results. Despite the evidence several other states have bills pending to begin testing. The results have been documented and they bring into question the cost reported in this meme for Florida. Most costs were considerably lower but the percentage of positives was about the same. They were considerably lower than the national average for drug use which is 9.4 per cent. They ranged from 0.002 to 8.3 with all but one below 1 percent.
Here's a good roundup of the testing programs nationwide.

And then there's this:

Midnight on a Sunday and all of a sudden it has to be pancakes. Imagine what it would be like if Alaska ever gets around to letting folks sell that pot we voted to legalize almost two years ago.

A meme came up today asking if anybody remembers a dance called the stroll. It showed up in my news feed because it was liked by someone I think I did the stroll with in high school. Her response: "That's funny, but I'm sure we did! "

Someone is stealing dead moose from the sides of Alaska's roads

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