
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Preventing facebook clutter one meme at a time

My friend Tom has only 10 of these left.
PM him on facbook to get one.
Best comment today so far, Rachel Maddow: Vice President Biden went to the three tiny Baltic countries today to assure them of US support. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined US forces in the Middle East after 9/11 under Article V of the NATO agreement. Recently though, presidential candidate Donald Trump has said the US under him might not honor that agreement and leave those countries on their own if Russia should attack them. Biden's mission when he met with leaders of the three countries was to tell them Trump didn't know what he was talking about and assure them the US would honor the agreement and come to aid the countries if needed. The whole trip was to address a mess created by Trump. Maddow's comment? "Cleanup on aisle five!"

Trump has made frequent use of his properties in his presidential bid. In July, the campaign doled out $773,000 to reimburse various Trump-owned companies for expenses. The bulk of that went to TAG Air, the company that owns Trump’s private planes.
In all, nearly $7.7 million has been paid out to Trump companies or Trump family members to cover campaign expenditures, filings show.

From Vanity Fair magazine comes a report Trump actually brought up the idea with NBC of  continuing his show "The Apprentice" from the Oval Office in the White House after he is elected.

It's about the high cost of epi pens

Several reports say Trump paid for office rent in one of his buildings out of his own pocket early in the campaign. Now that he is using donated money he quadrupled the rent. The guy is gouging his own campaign for his personal profit.

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