
Friday, October 28, 2016

Hey Lowe's … R E S P E C T

Donovan and Max at Lowe's in Anchorage.
About a year ago a story made its way around Facebook about a  Lowe's store in Canada that hired an employee who needed a service dog.  That story could have gone a lot of different ways but what Lowe's management did was hire the dog too. They even had his own jacket made with the company logo and colors and the words "service dog" stitched onto it. I thought that was pretty cool, something a Canadian would do.

Well, guess what. We have another pair right here in Alaska. Meet Donovan and his dog Max. They work at the Lowe's at Tikahtnu Center in Anchorage.

They were kind enough to pose for a picture. I didn't want to intrude so much as to ask why Donovan needs a service dog or what he does at Lowe's or any other details about their lives. Cool enough that Lowe's accommodated Max and provided him with his own company jacket.  Enlightened.

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