
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

May the forest be with you

Do you wonder why I would start a blog post with a five-year old video of a flash mob? With good reason is all I can say.
You see, maybe nobody else has wondered or at least said anything but I have. It's about the lack of content for the past couple of months and it has been bothering me. If you have this terminal disease and all of a sudden your mind goes blank, you wonder, is this it? Is this the moment Hemingway came to before he picked up that shotgun? Is this the day you don't have another fresh idea left in you? Before you go through anger, bargaining, denial, depression,  acceptance, you look around a little to see if there might be another reason.
Well for most of the year, one reason has been flitting around in my simple brain. I've spoken with others about of it and an awful lot of people have this low-level feeling of what I could only call malaise. A slight depression that colors everything else we do. To my mind any thinking person must be feeling it at least a little. The problem that is coloring everything is the damage being done to our country by a criminal idiot in the White House and robber barons in Congress. Each day's news brings another outrage as the gang does everything it can to dismantle our republic.
For  me about the first thing I do every morning is cruise through the news sites on the Internet and they are so filled with what those criminals are doing it depresses and angers me and then that's how I go out to meet the day.
If I am not seeing what they have done, I am seeing what the people I agree with say about it all. At times I've been tempted to add my two cents but from this distance that seems like a tilt at a windmill. So much is said it's difficult to find some original insight to offer, so I don't write about it much.
Today a second effect of that came up when I saw that video open as a memory on my facebook page. I posted it four years ago and while I was sharing it today it hit me that I haven't seen one of those online in a long time. I loved those seemingly spontaneous flash mobs that were popular a few years ago. And as I thought about it I realized there is so much Trump stuff online there is little room on my news feed or in my mind for anything else. The thing consumes so much space  humor, music,
One of those late nights with wine, a credit card and the Internet. Neil DeGrasse
Tyson was hyping these t-shirts to benefit something I agreed with at the time. 
Fits the situation, don't 
you think?
creative thought, fun gets crowded out from the mind and from the Internet which has often suggested an excuse to write and therein may be the reason for so few posts in the past couple of months. And it not only consumes a big part of the consciousness, it also creates that mild depressions that also dim the creative light sometimes. So there you have it.
Well, I am all packed again, waiting for snow for my winter at the East Pole. My intention is when I get there to close off a lot of the political intrusion and with a little time perhaps my mind will open again and the muse will emerge from the political fog to inspire once more. If that doesn't work I will always have the "forest."

And for the fun of it in case anybody has missed them, one more flash mob, fit for the season:

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