
Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year's Eve 2017

A gray curtain covers the sky from horizon to horizon to all points of the compass. Need artificial light even at 3 p.m. Seems a perfect sort of day to end 2017 with hopes for a brighter 2018. There'ssupposed to be almost a full moon tonight, a predecessor for the first of two in January, but with this sky it will probably be only a smudge of yellow moving across the sky.
The one spot of color came when a Pine grosbeak joined the chickadees and redpolls around the feeder, but that even took flash to bring out the color.
After pounding out new trails on snowshoes yesterday, I finally drove the snowmachine up to the cabin today, one of those major successes necessary at the beginning of each winter here.
Indoors there's a Bob Dylan retrospective on the radio and a rack of lamb thawing on the wood stove for a late New Year's Eve dinner, wine chilling on shelf outside the kitchen window.
Thinking best wishes in the New year to everyone, and in my head that includes all the folks on those lists of people being discriminated against. I am not religious but I like to ask myself at times WWJD.
For the future my only wish is that events in 2018 don't turn 2017 into the good old days.

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