
Monday, March 12, 2018

Creek crash, the rest of the story

Tonight I posted the following on facebook: Another great day except for the tipping the snowmachine over in a creek part.

I thought better of it, a little too dramatic, don't you think? So I started a comment but it got too long, so here it is on the blog.
OK, I apologize for being a little dramatic. First of all it was barely a brook. Someone had slid sideways into it and I took it a step further and the machine tipped. For a moment my ass was in about 6 inches of water and my leg was under the machine. The back end of it was partly submerged and my fabric tool bag was filling with water. I managed to squirm out, find a point of leverage and tip the machine right side up by laying back partly in the water and partly against the far bank and push with my legs. And drove off none the worse for it. But there's some backgorund. A few years back Iditarod writer Frank Gerjevic asked a veteran musher, Sonny Lindner about a creek he had fallen into during a race. Sonny is a man of few words. His response to Frank's question was, "How am I supposed to remember every creek I fell into (during 40 yars of driving dogs)? Sitting in that little brook today and figuring my next step I decided I want to remember every creek, river, lake and ocean I fell into. There are more that I care to admit to right now but believe me I remember them all. No disprespect to Sonny at all.

200,000 nmiles on a dog sled
You can find Sonny's story here

1 comment:

  1. I love the reports of your adventures. You have many that I will never personally experience, but I surely enjoy reading about yours. Happy it worked out okay. :)
