
Saturday, August 25, 2018

About G2G

     I don't like to talk much about works in progress, often you get tired of it and can talk yourself right out of the project. However, I have talked about this one long enough and even posted parts of it on this blog, including collecting them onto a single page. Those were all posted to force me into keeping it in mind and pressing forward, still it has languished for years.
     If anyone watches this blog closely you may have noticed those posts have disappeared and this is why. In July I met with a writer friend and his daughter and he asked me about it. His daughter knew nothing so I had to explain it in some detail and that led to a discussion.
     I had to drive 100 miles home from that lunch and that offered a lot of time to think. Somewhere along that road, I had what amounts to an epiphany and I suddenly saw the thread that could bring the whole thing together. I started writing the next day and have written every single day since then. A couple of weeks ago I had another epiphany of sorts and saw clearly through to the end.That's what's going on now
     Unfortunately I have run into a major problem and for the past  couple of days I have been muttering about it. I am probably about half way through it and it is more than 650 pages long. That puts it in War and Peace territory, for length, I have no delusions of challenging Leo Tolstoy in classic literature. So the question arises, who in the hell would publish a 1,200 page tome on this subject and beyond that, who would read it? I have a solution, but it involves a lot more work. So it goes.
     Anyway, I took the posts and the page about the book off this blog because as I progress I can see finishing it now, and I want to be sure none of it gets used by anyone else at this point, sort of protecting my copyright until I actually have a copyright, So, that's the answer to the question nobody asked.
     I have a couple of readers and so far the reviews are good. It helps.

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