
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Twitter blocks Trump's tweets, but not on his page

Ok this is going to take some 'splainin.

"Unfollow Trump" is a Twitter handle for a group of people who retweet the #fakepresident's tweets. The idea is you can see everything the guy says but you are not registered as a follower on his own account and therefore you are not listed on his page as in anyway supporting the president. You follow Unfollow Trump, but not Trump himself, thus deflating to a certain extent his bragging rights in terms of the number of followers he has.

That said, the other day Twitter, which has not censored the #fakepresident for anything he's ever said, blocked Unfollow Trump for simply repeating what Trump posted.

In short, Twitter ruled the president's words as unsuitable for Twitter, but only if someone repeats them word for word.

There's a lesson here somewhere. Are the Twitter people coming through the back door to tell us Trump's words are unsuitable and should be removed, but they are afraid to go against the president? Or, are they attempting to protected him by blocking critical posts even though they are simply repeating what is already posted?

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