
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Do we duck and cover or fight back?

Looked something like this. Photo was with an article titled "Best pants
for concealed carry" on a web site titled "The Truth About Guns."

 Just saying. Yesterday a guy brushed past me in a hurry at the supermarket. Dirty brown Carhartt pants, wife-beater-type undershirt, scraggly unkempt hair. What looked like a Glock tucked in and exposed in the pants waistband behind his back.
     Last night I learned a good friend was taken to the hospital with what he described as a serious condition. Only a little word since, no diagnosis yet, exploratory surgery set for Monday. Two more friends in chemo. And all I can think to do is thoughts and prayers.
    Woke up today to shooting in El Paso, at last count, 20 dead and 26 wounded. So sick of pundits who don't say anything, a reasonably intelligent person couldn't surmise. Ex: I saw a video and the sound included gunshots, spaced out, which to me said the shooter was not just spraying a crowd, but taking time to aim at individuals. Later one of the experts said that too. Gang of reporters surrounding an obviously distraught woman who has not been able to locate her mother. Emotional, tears, wavering voice and still the cameras recording and the questions shouted in her face. Finally two women helped her out of there. A quick-thinking serviceman carrying children out of the store during the shooting. Also on the attaboy side: the guy in the red baseball cap handing out slices of pizza to folks standing in line to give blood; the folks standing in line to give blood (they overwhelmed the capability to collect blood and were told to come back Monday).
      Then, get this: El Paso being a border town, people are reportedly hesitant to go to collection centers looking for relatives for fear of being arrested by ICE and deported. Some might be foregoing medical care as well, for the same reason.
     Police report call came at 10:39; first officers on scene at 10:45; suspect apprehended at 11:09. Thirty minutes, 46 people shot.
      And here's how things get screwed up. This progression is all from one guy: first mention, shooter is from Allen, Texas; next mention, Allen, Texas, near Dallas; next mention, from Dallas area; and for a grand finale, the shooter is from Dallas.
       And news heads attempting to fill space. I heard one guy with an intent, caring expression ask the mayor of El Paso what would be going on in that shopping mall on a normal Saturday morning. Um.
     And then there's the Alaska nongovernor and the US #fakepresident. And the Arctic is still on fire.
    WTF, over!

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