
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bucket lists

     A conversation on TV tonight opened an insight into the personal bucket list.
     As TV writers do, they seem to believe every old guy in the world has a bucket list of things he wants to do before he dies. I've never had one. I had some idealistic goals as a younger man, but to a certain extent I achieved them all. Then one mention in the conversation I was watching triggered a thought about a bucket list … and a realization.
     One of the men wanted a cabin in Montana. That was the only thing he could think of for a bucket list.
    It only took a moment to absorb that and I realized in this fictional story something like that would be on my bucket list.
    That was when I realized if I didn't have it and didn't live there almost half the year, the cabin at the East Pole would be at the top of my own bucket list. If I didn't have that it would be the one thing in the world I would want to do, and that goes back to the time I was 8 and in the third grade.
     Mission accomplished.
   PHOTO GALLERY: At the East Pole

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