
Thursday, April 30, 2020

What have we become?

Just so there's no mistake; SARCASM!
     This is the way I understand it. The governor of Maryland used his South Korean wife's
connections back home to purchase Corona virus treatment gear, chartered a Korean airline's airplane and had it flown to the U.S. He demanded the airplane land at Baltimore's airport rather than Washington, D.C., despite the fact that none of the Korean pilots had ever landed at Baltimore's.
     The governor's reasoning was reported to be he feared the federal government might intercept and confiscate the cargo. In addition to the landing plan, a contingent of Maryland's state police met the airplane, remained to guard the unloading and transportation to a storage facility, and then patrolled the facility, again to protect the materials, principally from the federal government.
      This is what we have come to; the leader of one of the United States' 50 states distrusts the federal government so much that he felt it necessary to use almost-military precautions to protect vital health care equipment needed in his state from his own federal government. And, again, as I understand it, there have been cases reported where the feds did intercept shipments intended for states in the past few weeks. I have not seen a credible report of that activity, however, so don't take it for gospel. Three reliable sources reported the Maryland governor's actions today.
     We know, of course, who's ultimately responsible. How long do we have to tolerate this? I have been tired of it for a long time, I hope others are coming to the realization.
    And then there's this: Alaska Public Radio posted a story last night heralding the arrival of a FedEx cargo plane landing in Anchorage packed to the overheads with materials needed to fight this plague. I hope that is not in danger of some federal interference but that's less likely because our governor is a suck-up, just like our congressional delegation, to the #fakepresident. Still an armed guard might have been judicious just in case.
     Have you missed me? Ha.
Colorado bought 100,000 coronavirus tests from S. Korea-- using emergency funds. They're here now.
@GovofCO says he kept it under wraps so they weren't confiscated (by feds or others).
And, A full report from Snopes

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