
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Déjà vu

Remember this?
     It started this way. After watching a couple of news shows early this morning, by late afternoon I posted this on facebook: He's doing it again. Like he did in 2016, Trump throws insult after insult at his new opponents and the press follows along and reports it all like puppies snatching up spilled dog food. The main news sources report his opening up the ridiculous birther charge against Kamala Harris and then everybody has to comment on it, his machinations over the Post Office and everybody has to tell how illegal and immoral it is but so far nobody has done anything about it, and promoting outrageous lesser officials like a newly ordained candidate for Congress in Georgia who says all Democrats are satan worshipers. Meanwhile responsible newsmakers end up responding to all the presidential bulldust or face being ignored altogether. I guess it goes to who hollers loudest, but this is dangerous as it was last time the political discourse becomes narrowly focused on all the dishonest actions and rantings of the #fakepresident. He's making it all about himself and the opposition is shouted down in one way or another or ignored while the pundits discuss the next bunch of ignorant blather from Trump. We've been here before. 
     From there it evolved into this comment from a friend: Not looking forward to the debates. Since he has no inclination to anything resembling the truth, he can make dozens of false and outlandish statements and get the press chasing those as well. Unless they put the candidates in separate rooms with a switch on his mike that they shut off as soon as his time is up, and fact checkers on-site to fact check everything he says, it will be the Drumpf show.

To which I responded with this and that's why the picture and the déjà vu. Do I get points  for not repeating the overused Yogi Berra quote?): I would l just like it if they would make him stand behind his own podium. I admit to getting livid and shouting at the TV every time he walked behind Hillary, not sure if he was trying to make her nervous or just remain in the video line of sight, maybe both. To her credit, she held up her own and I never noticed any reaction at all though she must have known he was there.

Somebody is actually trying to do something

Fuck Trump

More politics

For you youngsters in the audience, Yogi Berra was the catcher for the New York Yankees during their heydays in the 1950s famous for his non sequiturs. His exact quote was "It's déjà vu all over again" and it has seemed like over the years no one can use the phrase without saying the Yogi version.

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