
Friday, September 4, 2020

About that mini stroke


A recent book described an unscheduled trip the #fakepresident made to the hospital in November 2019. Though it was never mentioned in the book he denied emphatically he ever had a "mini stroke whatever that is."

For what it's worth about those mini strokes: Given the information available about the #fakepresident's experience: I have had one, and mine matches the experience explained in the book: a drive to the hospital, stay a few hours, and back with no apparent damage. The technical name is transient eschemic attack. Basically a clot or other obstruction creates a temporary block of blood flow to the brain. My experience was similar to what seems to be his. I figured out what was bothering me by the STR test (smile, talk, reach). In my case I could not raise my arm above my shoulder and I had trouble with my hand buttoning my shirt or even holding a pen. Of course I didn't have a limousine to take me or a doctor to ride along. And nobody had to engage with a subordinate to have him stand by to take over if something went wrong. I drove myself to the hospital and, reasonably sure I was suffering some kind of stroke, I had it in mind at the first indication of anything stronger I would drive into the ditch and call or wait for help. But I made it, only to stumble stepping into the reception area at the emergency room. Once I had been examined and diagnosed, I think they might have given me a blood thinner through the tube connected to my arm and a nurse watched and monitored me for about three hours. Gradually I regained control of my arm and when it finally cleared, I was discharged and sent home, driving myself again. No greeters there either or nosy reporters. 

While it seems minor with no permenant damage it is taken as a warning of problems that could be more serious. In my case it was the discovery of a carotid artery with 90 percent blockage and took a little surgery. I also have a blood thinner as a permanent part of my life now.

So, given what the #fakepresident admitted by denying, his obvious physical condition and his habit of lying about and hiding any kind of the weakness and the similarities to my own experience I have little doubt he had one of those mini strokes he tried to ridicule out of existence.

Since then I get an examination every year and haven't had any problems until this summer. Just this year another blockage was discovered and I may need another operation to clear it. Watch this space lol. ( I had that operation on the carotid in the right side of my neck and now that's clear, too.)

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