
Sunday, January 3, 2021

East Pole Journal V. II Episode 6: Gros, really gros

Life is like that first step outdoors in the morning

In one of the most famous movie lines of all time Forrest Gump’s mother told him, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” I am beginning to think that also applies to the first step outdoors in the morning. The day before yesterday, January 1, 2021, to be exact, I saw the first Pine Marten I’ve ever seen over almost 50 years in Alaska. There’s more today; to begin with there was no temperature. Zero, nil. I heard a flutter off to my right and turned in time to see a female Pine Grosbeak clinging to the feeder for dear life, wings flapping as she tried to maintain her hold. Soon enough she flew off into a nearby tree.

      I quickly blamed myself for her failed effort. I had seen a male the day before and knowing they have a tough time on the narrow perches the feeder affords them, I fully intended to throw a handful of seeds onto the nearby snow so they could feed especially in this cold.

    After quickly taking care of my own business, I filled a cup with seeds and dumped it over the edge of the deck into the snow. Not too long after that I saw both of them picking through those seeds. I watched for a few minutes, but the cold was getting the better of me so I went inside and left them to it.

     A few minutes later I had to go back out for a couple of sticks of firewood. I chanced to look up and there framed by branches, sat the male in a nearby tree, his feathers all puffed up against the cold. My presence didn’t seem to bother him so I went for the camera and this picture is the result. One of the best I’ve ever made of a Pine Grosbeak. It was like “thanks for the breakfast, I’ll pose for you now.” You just never know what you’re going to get. (And no, I will not use “gonna,” not now, not ever.)

     As an afterthought; with this kind of a start, maybe this 2021 is going to be all right.

East Pole Journal

More about Alaska birds

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