
Monday, January 23, 2023

When you see the Southern Cross for the first time …

All week I've noticed the tributes to David Crosby after his death. My own feelings evaded me as I read what others had written. That was until today when I saw this post on facebook, and subsequently listened to that song for about the millionth time. Now I can honestly say, as that post did: "RIP David Crosby and thanks for the boat songs." (I have sailed with them and had many a midnight watch with this music to accompany me — TJ). "He had great taste in boats... He was a sailor of the first order....Here is his boat "Mayan"...I am sure "Southern Cross" and "Wooden
Big Dipper/north star of the South.
 Ships" express this yacht....
MAYAN, John Alden design #356B, was built in Belize in 1947. She sailed for New York City upon launching and was sold into a post-war market starved for boats. MAYAN served in the charter trade until 1969 when she was bought by David Crosby, the rock star." (From The Boating Site on facebook)
     I never did see the constellation, nor did I ever make or receive that call from a noisy bar in Avalon. (I did find a letter addressed to me at the harbor in Hawaii when we aarrived.) But, if you recall those questions like if you were on a desert island and could only have one song, this would probably be it for me. And now I feel the loss.


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