
Sunday, September 22, 2024

I'll be glad when September's over

Written on the Fall Equinox 2024: Lately I have come to fear September. It goes like this. During or close to September 2022 three women who had been close friends over the years died within weeks of each other: Lael Morgan, Nancy Lethcoe and Sue Whittom. I have written about them in the Memorials section of this bog. Individually and as a group those deaths hit me hard. A year later, in 2023, I had barely recovered when two men I felt close with died within that same month, Jimmy Buffett, though I had not known him personally,  I felt like a kindred spirit with. The other, Joe May and I had become close friends in his and (well, if I acknowledge it) in my last years. And I learned today I missed the Memorial for another woman important in my life, Mary Helen Stephens. All of these losses along with several others that occurred at other times of other years led to sometimes these days I wonder why I am not corresponding with many people online any more and today it hit me why; my circle of friends has tightened, as the song goes "people just aren't around anymore." And there are almost two weeks left in the month.


1 comment:

  1. So hard. I too am losing friends. I knew both Nancy and Larl, both such powerhouses.
