
Thursday, February 18, 2010

As if we didn't have enough to worry about

A fellow at work related this incident the other night. He had gone to a local supermarket, a formerly local chain now owned by Safeway. He noticed a special offering 10 cans of tuna for $10 and picked up 10 cans. Instead of going through the regular checkout where this might have been missed, he went to one of those new self checkouts. I don't use them personally because they remove another entry level job for young people, but that's another story. So, he checked his cans of tuna through. The first six registered a price of 99 cents. But, the seventh can brought a charge of $1.99. Two dollars for that can. Surprised, he asked the attendant what that was about thinking there was some mistake. The attendant, the one who's there for us techno illiterates, said he'd never seen that before and went to find out what the problem was. When he returned he had some rather interesting information. Yes, indeed the tuna was on sale with 10 cans for $10, but in the very small, fine print, it said there was a limit of six cans. Good grief. 10 for 10 but you only get six for that price. You have to wonder how many people miss that in a checkout line. Eventually the store gave him the 10 for 10 deal but you can bet other people paid the $2 for the last four cans without noticing. Limit of 6, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. What a ripoff! I'm sure things like that happen all the time but we never know it. Just think how rich we COULD have been. :x
