
Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting ready, always getting ready

So, big Bush trip coming up and today was the day to get everything ready. I am pretty sure we have been over how Alaskans are always getting ready for something or other. In this case it amounted to digging out the snowmachine trailer, one snowmachine, greasing the trailer wheel bearings, starting both machines to make sure they run and geting them up on the trailer and all ready to take off Monday for a week. I hadn't been over to that side of the house in a while and as I was shoveling off the trailer I noticed some larger tracks among those left by birds and squirrels. They looked fairly new so I followed them a ways. Funny thing. By the time I got to the end of the east side of the house and looked up, this moose was lying down about 20 feet farther on. I didn't bother it and two hours later it was still there. I actually took this picture from inside the house. You can tell it didn't know I was there, notice the ears are aimed forward, not turned back like they would be if it had heard something. All pretty and white out here now with a good dump of new snow. I actually had to blow dry the driveway two days in the row and take the Jeep to work Monday and Tuesday. Monday I never would have made it home in the Insight. The last two miles to the house hadn't been plowed and that car is so low to the ground it would have hung up. But, March is the best month in Alaska, long days, cold at night to keep the snow, but warm in the days and for some reason, usually sunny. The absolute best time to go to the East Pole. I know I have been remiss. Maybe I will come back from the Pole with a bunch of new photos.

1 comment:

  1. How very cool to see wildlife like that! I used to have deer around my house, sleeping outside my bedroom window, when I lived in the country. I miss that. You always have such beautiful pictures - Alaska must be a wonderful place. Maybe I'll make it there one day to see for myself. Thanks for the great pictures, and you always have fun stories. Can't wait to get the books I ordered of yours and read them!
