
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

… keep on shining on me …

A while back there was the day there was rain falling on the house but none at the end of the driveway. Today the situation was reversed. Woke up to the news that Anchorage had been hit by a fairly big snowstorm overnight, 8 inches in some places which is big for Anchorage. Then I learned, too, it was snowing in Wasilla to the west of me and Valdez to the south and east. In other words, snow all around me. But here the sun shined on the house all day. I can see snow clouds not too far away, but nothing here. Could this signify some life changes?

Addendum: It didn't last long. Was snowing by the time I left for work and still snowing on the way home; 4-6 inches of heavy wet snow on the ground. Much of it gone the next day, though. But it was just enough to test a repair on a snowmachine I was working on, it's all good.

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