
Monday, April 12, 2010

Waiting for Green Day

No, not the rock group, or Godot for that matter. The deciduous tress are skeletal now. Wind and winter have taken away the last leaves clinging to their branches and they are bare brown awaiting warmth and moisture. It goes on like this for about a month and then one day you look up and it’s all green. It really seems to happen in just one day. Just for proof, the picture of the twigs is how it looks today. When green day happens (could be a month) I will go back to the same spot and take another to show what it looks like. It might be a while. There was new snow quite a way down the mountain yesterday.
Turning over another leaf. I have done some putzing in the garden already, just clearing off the covering I left last fall. One of the things I did was bring in a geranium which over the winter unintentionally I tried to kill more than a dozen times. So look what I noticed on it yesterday. It may be the portent of good things to come, although on the negative side of things I noticed while clearing the garden a moose had nibbled down my lilac. I don't recall ever seeing tracks around it, although those tracks I followed a few weeks ago may have gone to it and I didn't notice. I only followed them in the other direction. So I actually may have a photograph of the culprit. Now, how do you tell one moose from another. Lineup? We shall see how that turns out.

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