
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Some days the medicine DOES work

When I was old enough to be paying my own way, but still young enough to be if not at my parents' house, at least close, my father used to marvel at how when I was broke enough to wonder where my next gallon of gas was going to come from, some money would just drop out of the sky. A check unexpected for this or that that I had done, and I was saved.

Maybe it is because I only notice it when it happens, but the phenomenon has followed me through life. Just seems like when I am up against it, a check falls out of the sky again.

So, with that in mind, yesterday I woke up to a cold house. Ran out of stove fuel and had to get an emergency delivery of fuel oil. That stuff costs about the same as gasoline so, even 100 gallons is more than $300. Then I did my income taxes and ended up paying a fairly sizable amount. Woke up this morning to discover my son had run his college account down to $1.81 so that took a quick transfer to bail him out. Then I drove into town to take care of a few things and buy my supplies for the coming work week. By the time I was done I actually had to go into savings to cover a few energy drinks for work.

Last stop in town is always the post office to pick up my weekly supply of bills. And that's where the sky opened up. ROYALTY CHECK!!!!!! And a good-sized one too.

This happens so often I almost count on it. But of course the first time I do, that's the day it won't happen.

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