
Monday, May 10, 2010

Green Day, plus two or three

So, after more careful watching than ever before, it happened on a day I didn't drive the road, or two days after either. So, here's a picture from two days late. Unfortunately my continual choice of doing things on the shaded north side of things messed me up again and that spot I chose to illustrate green day is about the last along the road to turn. If you look closely there are buds on the twigs. More green farther down the road. Last Wednesday when I went to work all those trees were still brown. Saturday green. Some spring events are still to come, though. For one, the bloom of porcupines has yet to occur, haven't seen a one. Second, while the pond is now open, no sign of swans yet either. But, I did see that Canada goose Fred standing by the roadside Saturday. He has a bright yellow tagging marker around his neck now. It would be interesting to learn where he obtained his fancy new neckwear. So spring is progressing but not quite there yet and I am now the proud owner of a $7 "nearly wild" rose bush that I put out during the day and bring in every night until it's safe to plant for good. The strawberry plant from last year has growth coming from one of its stringers and the lilac is showing new growth despite providing a meal for a moose. This weekend will bring the trip to the greenhouse to fill out the garden. I expect to be housebound and have wealth of free time next week and then go at it full tilt. And when I put the rose bush out this morning -- two robins.

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