
Friday, September 10, 2010

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Still sorting things out, feeling like i have one foot on the ocean and one on land and not sure which way to lean. I managed to get all the photos into one album on picassa and it is posted. Kaisei photo gallery. Hope that makes it more interesting and easier to use. Still working on at least minimal captions. Also, here is the chart I kept from my iPad using MotionX. The program is amazing and it was right on with the ship's instruments the entire way. Chart. (you will need to zoom it out some) Overall we sailed 2,720 miles at an average speed of 6.2 knots. With a late start we did not get very much time to look for the North Pacific Gyre. We did run into a whole lot more floating trash once we came under the influence of the North Pacific high pressure zone, though. As more of this becomes clear, I expect I will write more about it.

The reality of NOW is that the leaves are turning, although there's no new snow on the mountains yet. Soon

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