
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time, please

We've been gone a long time and experienced quite a bit. There is a lot to go over and absorb and sort out, so please bear with me for a while until I understand it all myself and can present it in some kind of understandable form. But, we did it and after almost 2,700 miles, my son and I can now count ourselves among the square-rigger sailors of the world. We made our statement for the environment as well though cleaning the ocean is a monumental task still in front of us. To give you an idea of how it went, my son who is now 20, told one person online it was the best three weeks of his life. That alone was worth the trip. More to come, honest. Lots to say and almost 300 photographs to organize and edit. For a look, for those of you who aren't on facebook, you can find two albums here: Two albums.

... just takes a while, just takes a while.

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