
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How does your garden grow?

Is that a flower bud on the oriental lily?
Green is popping on the lilac. Plants growing strongly indoors.  Green also visible on the primroses all through the woods around here. I know they are common wild roses, but having just finished the Hunger Games series of books, they will be primroses to me from now on. Am allowed some literary license after all.

Green Day hasn't happened yet, the day when birch and alder sprout giving the whole forest canopy a green hue, but it is close.

Meanwhile 72 pea plants have started sprouting in a container and others in a couple in pots have outgrown any apparatus meant to let them climb.  They may go outside and take their chances.  The upside down tomato plants are upside down now.  The instructions said they would produce a hundred tomatoes.  Probably not a good idea to bet the ranch on that one.

View progress in the gallery to the right.  As the song lyric says "meanwhile life goes on all around me."

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