
Sunday, May 6, 2012

There's nothing funny about it, or is there?

In modern America there is hardly a subject that doesn't present a ready target for comedians.  George Carlin's seven words and Lenny Bruce's politics seem pretty tame these days. But there is one subject that's off limits.  Has anyone ever heard a joke about cancer?  It just isn’t funny. That's a subject even the most outrageous standups won't touch. Even humor only obliquely associated with cancer doesn't appear to wash.  But, today, a bit of a chuckle came up.

Some time back I wrote about a friend of mine who is dealing with it and how I am searching for ways to support her without being condescending and stupid.  She is the one I am going to take to a Lady Gaga concert when the Mother Monster returns to the U.S. on her tour.

A couple of weeks ago she wrote on her Caring Bridge journal about all the things she took with her to her first chemo session. It was quite a list and included her iPod, computers, writing materials, books, crocheting materials, even a thought of drawing, among so many others.

As I read my friend's list. it came to mind that half the stuff she carried could be done with an iPad and, oh boy, I have one. I recently bought an iPad3 and my old one was sitting in a drawer after unsuccessful attempts to sell it.

I approached her cautiously, telling her about reading that list and how I thought an iPad would help with the load she carried to chemo and then asked her if I could send her my original one.  I was so relieved when she accepted and I happily packed it up and mailed it to her.

Today on her Facebook page, she thanked me and the way she wrote it drew a comment from a friend of hers, which in turn brought a response, not about cancer but within the context, and I hope a bit of a chuckle among all of us.  At least everyone involved "liked" it.

Here it is the way it appeared on Facebook with names and "likes" left out:

MY FRIEND WROTE: My friend Tim has gifted me with his ex-iPad! I've been playing and having fun. What a great new toy. Thanks Tim Jones!

There's still nothing funny about cancer, but maybe a humorous interchange that lightens the atmosphere for a moment is all right.

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