
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Snakes are "Born This Way"

A couple of years ago a cobra escaped from its enclosure at the Bronx Zoo in New York City.  While it was on the loose, a very clever person began tweeting the snake's adventures as it imaginatively toured the city, stopping for a bagel here, hoped to catch a Yankees game and several other wonderfully imagined adventures.  Eventually zookeepers found the snake in the snake house and returned it to its habitat.  Since then when the mood strikes, the Bronx Zoo Cobra tweets an update.  Today was the best so far.  A group of second graders were studying snakes and to make it interesting, the teacher helped them rewrite the lyrics to Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" to highlight the equality and acceptance of snakes.  Just sit back and enjoy it.

Catch up and keep up with the Bronx Zoo Cobra here.

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