
Friday, November 30, 2012

The singing whales of Alaska's Prince William Sound

Back when I had to do such things I always thought it was a good day when it started with a mechanical success.  Well, today, it may have taken a good part of the afternoon, but my first project turned out to be a computer success.

A couple of days ago I managed to transfer all the killer whale calls I recorded on cassettes in Prince William Sound to digital.  Since then it has been one experiment after another to somehow get those sounds published online.  After several attempts at trying to publish the raw audio, I gave up and started playing with iMovie, and voila, on only the third attempt,  connected the gallery of whale photos with one tape of the best of the sounds recorded and this is it.  I hope it is enjoyed.

And, yes, I know a lot of the photos are a little fuzzy. In my defense, first they are all taken from the moving platform of a boat and I always had to drive the boat and make sure other people got good photos and all I could do for the most part is quick shots out the wheelhouse door.

Here are links to other posts about the whales on this blog:

Whale watching: Who's watching whom?

Sorry, Sea World trainers, no sympathy

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