
Monday, December 3, 2012

How much wood could a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood

 Ten below zero today but still had a new visitor.  Well, not new, but he stuck around today and I went outside and stalked a little.  It is either a hairy or a three-toed woodpecker.  They look very much alike.  I noticed on the earlier shots with the downy on the feeder and now this one, look how they stabilize their position on the tree with their tail feathers.

Here's a gallery of more shots of this one today plus others that have visited this winter so far.

On an unrelated note: There's a new gadget on this blog at the bottom of this column.  Take a look and if you want to see whose writing yours resembles, click the link.  I am all OK with who I resemble.  My friend who writes a lot of nonfiction wildlife and adventure books, got Rudyard Kipling.  See what yours is like and post it as a comment.

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