
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rambling through a random garden

Wasn't kidding about the tomatoes.
Here's that wall of tomato plants mentioned in the post Friday.  Wasn't kidding.
Spinach, maybe gone to seed.

A gladiola, with spinach
low and to the left.
I haven't been tempted to bore folks with garden posts this year.  Part of that is due to the mixed results. I started plants way too early, like early April, and as a result some were mature or even past that when I could put them outdoors after our May 16 snowfall.

Bean plants in particular didn't fare well  and I had hopes for  a climb to the clouds.  The tomatoes are what I think is called leggy, long stems with bushy leaves at the tops.  Still they are doing well.  I lost count around 30 tiny tomatoes on the vines.

I think these are poppies.
This was an experiment after sweet peas outgrew
their pots indoors. A bit of chicken wire around
a gladiola with sweet peas climbing it and then
regular peas planted at the bottom later.
One of the problems this year was a shortage of money to buy expensive plants at the local nursery and from what I grew indoors beforehand, I only had enough for about two-thirds of the space.  Sooooo, two packets of those Alaska wildflower seeds everyone is selling this year took care of the rest.

There are peas in various stages of development, from dead on the vine to just beginning to flower.  But there is a lot of spinach only I think it has gone to seed and I have no idea how to preserve what's still good.  Canned spinach may be one of the worst looking, worst tasting vegetables in the world.

This is what those bags
of wildflower seeds make.
The tomato plant is indoors growing from one of those
upside down planters.
All in all though, the garden appears full anyway and I guess that's something.  We shall see when all the flowers pop.  No need belaboring the explanation, the pictures tell the story.

Look what was among all those upside
down leaves.

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