
Friday, June 28, 2013

Rambling with the lizard king, trying to light the fire

Rattling around in a cage, a wall of tomato plants blocking the exit, creativity boiling but no clue where the fire that makes the steam is coming from,  All receptors open with no discernible stimulus. Finally an escape only to wander, as it says on the Twitter, rambling with the lizard king, trying to light my fire.

Wilburys, Janis, and Duane Allman's long guitar solo at the end of "Rambling Man."  This thought:  Great groups of the 60s, Beatles, Stones, others.  But what do these British bands from that era have in common:  Yardbirds, John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers, Blind Faith, Cream, Derek and the Dominos?  Eric Clapton played lead guitar in all of them, a British invasion all of his own making.  And a graffiti tagger left the sign that read simply "Clapton is God.."

But tonight was about that title,  the fire, yes Doors,  and trying to light that fire, crawl out from under the tomato plants and figure out what is burning in this mess of a brain..  Some days, as old Lodgeskins said, the medicine doesn't work.

Maybe it is this.  Last night someone asked me what concerns me deeply and I let it out.  In a word EVERYTHING.  I find myself living in a world where ignorance is glorified and intelligence and knowledge vilified, a world where our leaders are more interested in regulating a woman's anatomy than they are with  a corrupt banking system that steals from those same leaders, or at least the people they supposedly represent while lining the pockets of those who allow it.  It is a world where not a single banker who almost brought down the American economy is even charged, while a kid who drew an anti-banking illustration with chalk on the sidewalk outside a bank, gets nine years in prison.

We have so many problems and we have solutions for all of them, but a loud and archaic minority is able to block those solutions, mostly because we have an African-American president, instead sending us backward in time to where we have to re-fight battles we won 40 years ago.  It is insanity.  It is frustrating, and it is depressing.  Where is the beauty?  Why are we letting ourselves be held hostage by ignorance so that minority can undo all the progress that has been made to this point in history.

Maybe that's the fire.  Some days the Doors speak loudly, maybe there's need to listen to another Jim Morrison line and we need to wait.  "Wild child, full of grace, savior of the human race...."  and let's "break on through to the other side" and then let it never again be "over for the Universal Soldier." Then with a nod of disagreement to John Lennon, let us not "let it be"...  Or, could it be we are waiting for a second coming of Eric Clapton, slowhand on the rise, to lead aging rockers and the remnants of that generation to the promised land.  It's all conjecture until the boiling overflows the pot.

No outpouring from the ramble, so now facing a major decision, "Firefly" or "The Girl Who Played with Fire."  Fire seems the logical choice.

Clapton is God.

Justice prevails, the chalk man is acquitted.

Judge issues gag order in chalk case

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