
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bird watching

Sun came out over new snow today so Walter and I spent some good time in the yard.  Big breakthrough today.

Every time I have ever started a snowmachine when he was around he shied away from it, and often went to the door to be let inside.

Today with a little cajoling he followed me and even ran ahead of it sometimes.

I need to get him used to it because we are going to head for the East Pole soon. I would not make him run the whole trail behind it; I plan to haul him on a sled inside his carrier, but getting him to associate the machine with good times will help when we go for real.

We went out the back yard, down the power line right of way and out onto the street for just a minute and then back home and he stayed right with me all the way.  Well, except I had to grab him when we came to the street because he is not afraid of passing vehicles yet.

After we came home we watched the chickadees at the feeders for a while. Walter even took an interest in them.

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