
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hey CBS, we tuned in to watch a parade

Some days you just want to scream at the television. Flipping back and forth between the football game and the Thanksgiving Day parade and the parade broadcast is the next thing to ludicrous.

Whatever prompted the network to think the parade was only a minor irritation to pay lip service to in between unrelated, entertainment features that only serve to irritate the audience.

We didn't tune in to see a two-segment interview with George Takei, nice man that he is. We didn't tune in to see a segment of a Broadway show even though Frankie Valle was big in our youth.

And we certainly didn't tune in to see some woman first tell us the last thing anybody wants to do on a holiday is prepare a meal and then go ahead and tell us how to make a meal. I mean after all, who in this day and age can't cook a turkey? And if you are broadcasting after noon on Thanksgiving Day you are too late anyway. There are those plus the fact that for many people preparing the meal is the high point of the day.

And for many people viewing the traditional Thanksgiving Day parade is a high point as well. So, show the damn parade already; that's what people turned on the TV to watch and tell those two talking heads to shut up while you are at it.

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