
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hello are we on the same wavelength?

But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood – The Animals

Some days I have to wonder if I am even writing in the same language. I suppose nuance is lost online but some things I write seem to just go over people's heads or worse they are taken literally or maybe I am not writing clearly enough.

For example that picture. I love that picture as it illustrates how difficult it is to get a good bird picture and makes fun a bit of my own meager abilities in the attempts to get one. Some time ago, I posted it on facebook with a caption that said something like "Chased a downy woodpecker all over the yard and this was the best I could come up with."

One commenter very seriously advised I shouldn't chase, I should hide and sneak up on them or sit in ambush and wait for them to come to the feeder and then gave examples about how she did it. (Hiding behind her iPad.) Did the writer really think I was running around the yard in pursuit of a bird? Never mind.

On another day I posted this on facebook: "I'm not quite sure what this says about the world or my life these days but I just got my monthly gasoline credit card bill. $29.68. And, worse or better, I'm not sure, I still have half a tank."

Two people commented about the gas mileage they are getting and how many miles one had driven on a trip in the past month. Again, good grief. 

I thought it was a comment on how sedentary my life had become, again making fun of myself. Where is Bill Engvall when we really need him, "Here's your sign."

Word is if a writer is misunderstood, it is his own fault for not writing clearly. Perhaps those could have been written better, or maybe it's a toss up.

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